Month: May 2016


Finding peace in the midst of war

As a World War II soldier serving in France, Henry survived a devastating injury and imprisonment. Don’t miss this harrowing story of Henry’s escape from a POW camp and how a dying man’s last words spurred this American soldier to consider eternity. Discover how the power of prayer and a God who intervenes can impact […]

Flowing Peace

“I’m not surprised you lead retreats,” said an acquaintance in my exercise class. “You have a good aura.” I was jolted but pleased by her comment, because I realized that what she saw as an “aura” in me, I understood to be the peace of Christ. As we follow Jesus, He gives us the peace that transcends understanding (Phil. 4:7) and radiates from within—though we may not even be aware of it.

Jesus promised His followers this peace when, after their last supper together, He prepared them for His death and resurrection. He told them that though they would have trouble…

Breaking free from resentment

Holding on to anger and bitterness is like ingesting poison and expecting the other person to die. And today on “Discover the Word,” the Institute for Prison Ministries director Karen Swanson and our team share keys that will help us break free from resentment. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

Sweet Music

O ur music practice was not going well. The team was tense because we were gaining no traction in selecting and practicing songs for an important event. Then it happened. A young woman said softly, “I think we should pray about this.” And with that, she called out to God to help us move forward in practicing and performing well for Him.

Like Sheep

One of my daily chores when I lived with my grandfather in northern Ghana was taking care of sheep. Each morning I took them out to pasture and returned by evening. That was when I first noticed how stubborn sheep can be. Whenever they saw a farm, for instance, their instinct drove them right into it, getting me in trouble with the farmers on a number of occasions.

Sometimes when I was tired from the heat and resting under a tree, I observed the sheep dispersing into the bushes and heading for the hills, causing me to chase after them and…

How shame can be its own prison

When a prisoner from a disadvantaged upbringing is released, families often throw a “get out of jail” party. However that’s not usually true for inmates from middle or upper class homes. Their return to society is usually shrouded in secrecy. Today on “Discover the Word,” our guest Karen Swanson and the team discuss how shame can be a prison whether we’ve ever been in jail or not. That’s today at on “Discover the Word”!


A group of villagers gathered around a massive rig in rural Uganda to watch as a well was being dug on their behalf. Twelve hours later, when the drilling machine struck water, the men, women, and children danced, laughed, and voiced their thanks to God for having a clean water source for the first time in their lives.

When the Woods Wake Up

Through cold, snowy winters, the hope of spring sustains those of us who live in Michigan. May is the month when that hope is rewarded. The transformation is remarkable. Limbs that look lifeless on May 1 turn into branches that wave green leafy greetings by month’s end. Although the change each day is imperceptible, by the end of the month the woods in my yard have changed from gray to green.

            God has built into creation a cycle of rest and renewal. What looks like death to us is rest to God. And just as rest is preparation for renewal, death is…

Malaysia Christian Bookfair 2016

Visit our booth during the 12th Asia Christian Book fair held at Thy Executive Hotel from 28-30/5 from 12pm-10:30pm. Click [here] to find out more.


Malaysia upcoming events 2016

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For more details, click [here].

How did Paul break free from the cycle of sin

Addiction puts people behind bars, both literally and figuratively. And we can become enslaved to a variety of things like drugs, gossip, TV, shopping, or a critical spirit! Today on “Discover the Word,” we discuss with our guest Karen Swanson the apostle Paul’s dilemma—one he expressed so honestly—“for what I want to do, I don’t do . . . but what I hate, I do!” How did Paul break free from that cycle of sin? And how can we? Tune in today to “Discover the Word”!

Powerful Patience

A few years ago, I drove to the Grand Canyon in the US. As we marveled at the natural beauty before us, we had to strain our eyes to see the little ribbon of water winding its way through the bottom of the massive canyon, one of the tributaries of the Colorado River. It was that tributary, some believe, that helped to patiently carve and make manifest the immense and majestic marvel we now viewed—the likes of which no human has ever been able to create!

No Worries

A comfortable plane ride was about to get bumpy. The voice of the captain interrupted in-flight beverage service and asked passengers to make sure their seatbelts were fastened. Soon the plane began to roll and pitch like a ship on a wind-whipped ocean. While the rest of the passengers were doing their best to deal with the turbulence, a little girl sat through it all reading her book. After the plane landed, she was asked why she had been able to be so calm. She responded, “My daddy is the pilot and he’s taking me home.”

            Though Jesus’ disciples were…

How fear can make prisoners of us all

Karen Swanson, the Director of the Institute for Prison Ministries at the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism at Wheaton College, knows about hardship. She’s seen it produce fear in those she works with, and she’s experienced it in her personal life. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk with Karen about how fear can make prisoners of us all. Join us for day six of the study called, “We’re All Prisoners, Until Christ Sets Us Free,” today on “Discover the Word”!

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